Racer is a car simulation project which is cross-platform and free (for non-commercial use), using professional car's physical shape to get the look and feel absolutely realistic. Editors and support available to get a simulator that can be changed.
Some features - its:
-Completely free for non-commercial use
-Available for multi-platform: the windows, linux and mac os.
- Commercial quality.
-There are many additional models of cars and tracks on the internet.
Exe file to run this game is the file "racer.exe".
Neutral / not move = Put the mouse pointer to the middle of the game screen.
Acceleration, brake, left, right = Move the mouse to the front, rear, left, right.
Shift up = Left Click
Shift down = Right Click
Handbrake = B
Starter = S
Racer v0.6.5.5
Publisher: Racer
File Size: 37.8 MB
Sis. Operation: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista /
Category: Racing Games, game Simulation